About Zecena Painting, Inc.

We strive to be the most trusted painting company in Massachusetts, working diligently to earn your confidence. With years of experience under our belt, we have gained valuable insights that shape our daily work.

At Zecena Painting, we understand that selecting the right team for your painting projects is crucial, considering the numerous options available. Our team of painting specialists consistently delivers exceptional results by combining the finest quality products with our extensive expertise.


We are committed to providing you with the highest quality painting experience, placing emphasis on reliability, meticulous attention to detail, excellent customer service, and affordable pricing.

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to assist you with all your painting needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific project requirements.


Luis Zecena /Owner

Only the Best


Eco Friendly Painting

 We ensure that we use zero-VOC paints for interior, exterior as well as wall finishes and wood stains. We use what can often be referred to as “healthy living paints”. on all of our projects.  We prefer to use paints that are  free of harmful chemicals, toxins, or additives to keep you and your family safe.


Experienced and Insured

We understand that hiring a painting company comes down to more than just budget and project timelines.  It can be an uneasy feeling to know that someone will be working inside or right outside where your loved ones and most prized possessions are located.  We are a family owned and operated busines and each of our painters are extremely experienced and trusted.  We are fully insured for your protection.    

Years of Experience

Completed Projects and counting